Cate Nelson Shaw
06 Mar

As CERT’s Multiply programme (sadly) comes to an end, we reflect on the last two years... 

Multiply was set up as a new UK wide £multi-million programme to help transform the lives of adults by improving their functional numeracy skills (ie. being able to understand and work with numbers) through free personal tutoring, digital training, and flexible courses. 

Aimed at boosting people’s ability to use maths in their daily life, at home and work, it also enabled adults to achieve formal qualifications to open doors such as career progression or progression to further study. 

And here at CERT, we took this a step further and integrated literacy (ie. being able to read and write) into our delivery. 

Why are literacy and numeracy important?  

Well, there are several reasons... 

1. Increased job opportunities Many jobs require basic reading, writing and maths skills Improves chances of securing employment in fields like retail, admin and customer service 

2. Better access to job search resources Enables individuals to read job listings, complete applications and write cvs Helps in using online job portals and networking platforms 

3. Improved financial management Helps in budgeting, managing expenses and understanding payslips Reduces the risk of financial scams and debt mismanagement 

4. Enhanced confidence and independence Reduces reliance on others for filling out forms, reading contracts or handling finances Increases self-esteem and motivation to seek employment 

5. Greater access to training and education Many vocational courses require basic literacy and numeracy Allows individuals to upskill and qualify for better-paying jobs 

6. Improved communication skills Enables effective written and verbal communication with employers and colleagues Helps in understanding workplace policies and safety guidelines   

Improving literacy and numeracy can be a powerful step toward better health and wellbeing, securing stable employment and improving people’s overall quality of life. 

So how many people have we helped?   

Well, during the lifetime of the project we have welcomed 343 participants to our programme, of whom 18 have achieved either a literacy or numeracy qualifications. 

We are sad to say goodbye to our fabulous Multiply Tutors... 

Babs Davie has been our numeracy tutor. An Engineer by profession and more latterly a maths tutor, Babs has helped our clients with their numeracy skills. And Jacqueline Ferguson has been our literacy tutor. A primary teacher who was Deputy Head at schools across Fife and who has a specialist interest in support for learning, has helped our clients achieve their literacy goals.  They said, “We’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with young people and adults to build confidence and skills that enhance their lives. It’s been a privilege to be part of their journey”. 

And finally, a word from our clients:  

“I have received my SVQ communication level 4 certificate today. I want to Thank you for your help and effort. I really appreciate it!”  

“I was never out the door and the courses have been great. I get knowledge and they give me purpose. They are uplifting and I feel respected by all the staff” 

“ The courses are inclusive and it gives you an opportunity to try new things and meet new people.” 

“I can’t tell you how much the workshops have helped my mental health. It’s good to know that I am not the only one who feels the way I do”.

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