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Are you often overwhelmed by feelings of stress, worry, and anxiety? Join us for "Reassessing Stress," a comprehensive course designed to help you understand the root causes of these emotions and equip you with effective strategies to manage and reduce their impact on your daily life. By the end of this course, you will have a deeper understanding of stress and its effects, along with a toolkit of practical methods to help you lead a calmer, more balanced life. Whether you are dealing with daily pressures or significant life challenges, "Reassessing Stress" will empower you to take control of your well-being and find peace amidst the chaos.

  • Date:14/08/2024 10:00 AM - 14/08/2024 12:00 PM
  • Location The E Centre, Alloa, UK (Map)
  • More Info:Cooperage Way Business Village, Alloa, FK10 3LP Kilbagie Room